Curso Ansible Ansible Tower AWX

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Ansible Ansible Tower AWX

24 horas
Visão Geral

Neste Curso Ansible Ansible Tower AWX, os alunos se concentrarão em controlar a versão mais recente do AWX. Isso começa com uma implantação em um cluster Kubernetes e avança rapidamente para a exploração das opções de configuração do AWX. Os alunos aprenderão a navegar na GUI do AWX, acionar trabalhos com webhooks, criar e implantar ambientes de execução personalizados e projetar modelos de trabalho de fluxo de trabalho. Todos os alunos matriculados têm a oportunidade de obter uma certificação AWX ao final do curso.

Observação: o foco deste curso se concentra no uso do AWX, não na escrita de playbooks do Ansible


Após realizar este Curso Ansible Ansible Tower AWX, você será capaz de:

  •  Interface gráfica do usuário do AWX
  • API RESTful do AWX
  • Plano de Controle/Execução
  • Integração com “seu” SCM (GitLab, GitHub, etc.)
  • Fluxos de trabalho gerais”
  • Uma compreensão de contêineres e ambientes de execução
Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros Ansible
  • Engenheiros DevOps
  • Programadores de software
  • Administradores de sistemas
  • Gestores
  • Os alunos devem ter algum conhecimento do Ansible, pois o foco principal deste curso é
  • uso do AWX
  • Ansible Foundation
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Ansible AWX workflows

  1. AWX “Big Picture”
  2. Ansible Workflow with AWX
  3. python pip dependencies
  4. Collections
  5. Introduction to containers
  6. building execution environments
  7. Ansible builder
  8. Ansible runner integration
  9. Is AWX different from Tower? 

Deploying AWX

  1. Kubernetes overview
  2. Why AWX deploys into Kubernetes not “just” docker
  3. Kubernetes installers
  4. minikube
  5. kubectl
  6. Kubernetes Pod vs Containers
  7. Containers and VMs- how we use both to run AWX in a Kubernetes cluster
  8. AWX Operator
  9. AWX Control Plane / Execution Plane
  10. AWX Execution Environments


  1. RESTful APIs
  2. Triggering workflows with AWX APIs
  3. Websockets
  4. HTTP Token Access

Using AWX

  1. Relaunch on Hosts with Status
  2. Scheduled Jobs
  3. Task manager system
  4. Background Tasks in AWX
  5. job templates
  6. workflow templates
  7. Webhooks (gitlab and github)
  8. Job Branch Override
  9. Ansible Callback and Job Events
  10. Job slicing

AWX Inventory

  1. AWX Inventory vs Ansible Host File
  2. Transition to Ansible Inventory Plugins
  3. Inventory refresh
  4. SCM Inventory

Triggering Automation

  1. Launch-time Configurations / Prompting
  2. Webhooks
  3. Gitlab Runner
  4. Gitlab Pipeline (gitlab-ci)
  5. Using dynamic inventory with awx
  6. Building out organization team and user hierarchy

Results and Metrics

  1. Running a Prometheus Container
  2. AWX as an Ansible Fact Cache
  3. Insights Integration
  4. Logging integration
  5. Notification system

AWX Architecture

  1. Capacity
  2. Clustering
  3. Container Groups
  4. CORS support
  5. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  6. AWX scaling

Auth & Credentials

  1. LDAP
  2. Oauth
  3. SAML
  4. Sessions
  5. Credentials
  6. Index
  7. Credential Plugins
  8. Custom credential types
  9. Extracting Credential Values
  10. Multi-Credential Assignment


  1. Debugging
  2. AWX Job Event Performance Debugging
  3. Slow API Endpoint
  4. Development tips

Hands-on labs:

  • Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster in your data-center
  • Deploying AWX
  • Exploring the AWX GUI
  • Exploring the control and execution plane
  • Integrating with SCM (GitLab and GitHub)
  • Building job templates
  • Building workflow templates
  • Inventory Management
  • AWX and Dynamic Inventory
  • CI/ CD automation with Webhooks (GitLab and GitHub)
  • Automation via the AWX RESTful API
  • Building Execution Environments
  • Using Ansible Builder
  • Working with Ansible Runner
  • Pipelining with GitLab (gitlab-ci pipeline into AWX)
  • User management
  • Authorization and Credentials
  • AWX and Ansible Vault for secret management
  • End to End Workflows with AWX
  • API Design with Python

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