Curso Apache HTTPD Administration

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Curso Apache HTTPD Administration

24 horas
Visão Geral

OCurso Apache HTTPD Administration, concentra-se na instalação, configuração e ajuste do Apache como um servidor web. O Curso Apache HTTPD Administration também aborda a migração de outro servidor web (como IIS) para Apache.


Ao participar do Curso Apache HTTPD Administration, os participantes aprenderão a:

  • Configure o Apache HTTPD como um servidor web
  • Migrar de um servidor web para Apache HTTPD
Publico Alvo
  • Administradores de sistema experientes que precisam implementar o Apache HTTPD.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Apache

  1. Background
  2. Overview of Apache HTTP server's features
  3. Usage of Apache HTTP server in the real world
  4. Overview of Apache Software Foundation
  5. Apache License
  6. Versions of Apache HTTP Server
  7. Apache Server requirements and deployment options

Installation of Apache

  1. Getting Apache HTTP Server
  2. Apache features as modules
  3. Downloading Apache
  4. Using vendor-supplied version of Apache
  5. The configure script
  6. Static vs. shared modules
  7. Directory/file layouts
  8. Upgrading Apache from source
  9. Installing Apache on Unix/Linux and Windows
  10. Testing Apache installation
  11. Starting
  12. Stopping (graceful vs. hard)
  13. Restarting (graceful vs. hard)
  14. Command-line options (e.g. httpd vs. apachectl script)
  15. Running Apache as a service on Unix/Linux and Windows
  16. Querying Apache for feature support


  1. Apache directory structure
  2. Overview of files that come with apache
  3. Apache .conf files
  4. Syntax (directives, sections, comments, white-space)
  5. Testing for correctness
  6. Understanding Includes
  7. Directive contexts
  8. Sections
  9. "Directory" and "DirectoryMatch"
  10. Overview of regular expressions
  11. Files and FilesMatch
  12. Location and LocationMatch
  13. Proxy
  14. Limit and LimitExcept
  15. VirtualHost (overview-only, more on this later)
  16. If Module
  17. If Define
  18. If Version
  19. Apache .htaccess Files
  20. Discussion of why, what, when, and how?
  21. Understanding performance and security implications
  22. Directive processing order
  23. Directory and file paths
  24. Listening on ports
  25. Apache modules
  26. Loading
  27. Understanding DocumentRoot-s
  28. Basic Security (more on this later)
  29. Running multiple instances of Apache off the same installation

Logging on Apache

  1. Server logging (i.e. ErrorLog)
  2. Access logging
  3. Formatting access logs
  4. Conditional logging
  5. Based on response status
  6. Based on request/response parameters (env)
  7. User tracking
  8. Forensic logging
  9. Debug logging
  10. Log rotation

URL Handling on Apache

  1. slash redirect
  2. Redirecting URLs to other URLs
  3. Redirecting with regular expressions
  4. Redirecting misspelled URLs
  5. Aliasing URLs to files/directories
  6. Aliasing with regular expressions
  7. Aliasing scripts
  8. Aliasing user directories
  9. Re-examining Document Root
  10. Handling errors (creating Error Document-s)

Handlers and Filters on Apache

  1. Understanding Apache handlers
  2. Configuring handlers
  3. The default handler
  4. MIME types (i.e. Content-Type)
  5. MIME types in Apache
  6. Configuring MIME types manually
  7. Auto-magically determining MIME types
  8. Content encoding
  9. Content languages and character sets
  10. Multiple file extensions
  11. Content negotiation
  12. The TypeMap handler
  13. MultiViews
  14. The As-Is handler
  15. The CGI Script handler
  16. The Image Map handler
  17. The Server Info handler
  18. The Server Status handler
  19. Monitoring Apache
  20. Apache Filters
  21. Configuring filters
  22. Smart filters
  23. Compressing data on the fly (mod_deflate)
  24. On the fly search-and-replace
  25. External filters

Virtual Hosting on Apache

  1. Overview of virtual hosting
  2. Defining virtual hosts on Apache
  3. IP-based virtual hosting
  4. Port-based virtual hosting
  5. Name-based virtual hosting
  6. Mix-and-match virtual hosting
  7. Bulk-virtual hosting
  8. Issues with virtual hosting (e.g. SSL)

Directory Indexing on Apache

  1. Directory requests
  2. Basic directory indexing
  3. Fancy directory indexing
  4. Configuring directory indexing
  5. Customizing header and footer
  6. Ignoring files to index
  7. Customizing icons and descriptions
  8. Dynamic filtering and sorting

Apache Performance Tuning

  1. Understanding performance objectives
  2. Apache Bench (ab)
  3. Overview
  4. Using
  5. Hardware and OS tuning
  6. Serving files from network attached file systems
  7. Multi-processing modules (MPMs)
  8. Prefork MPM
  9. WinNT MPM
  10. Worker MPM
  11. Event MPM
  12. Implications of MPM selection and tuning
  13. Security
  14. Stability
  15. Performance
  16. Memory-footprint
  17. Impact of modules
  18. Impact of hostname lookups
  19. Impact of symbolic links
  20. Impact of AllowOverride-s (i.e. .htaccess files)
  21. Impact of content negotiation
  22. File caching

Dynamic Content on Apache

  1. Server Side Includes (SSI)
  2. Overview
  3. Simple HOWTO
  4. CGI
  5. Overview
  6. Implications
  7. Debugging
  8. Perl with mod_perl
  9. Overview
  10. Installation
  11. Configuration
  12. Performance impact
  13. PHP with mod_php
  14. Overview
  15. Installation
  16. Basic configuration

Apache Security

  1. Keeping Apache up-to-date
  2. Limiting the modules
  3. Apache user and file system permissions
  4. Securing/limiting dynamic content
  5. Security implications of AllowOverride (i.e. .htaccess files)
  6. Authentication and authorization
  7. Access control (revisited)
  8. IP/Host based access control
  9. Basic authentication
  10. Group-based authorization
  11. Authn/Authz providers
  12. Mixing access control
  13. SSL/TLS on Apache
  14. Overview of SSL
  15. SSL Certificates
  16. Configuring mod_ssl
  17. Requiring SSL

Advanced URL manipulation on Apache

  1. Overview of mod_rewrite
  2. Enabling mod_rewrite
  3. Understanding API Phases
  4. Rule set processing
  5. RewriteRule directive
  6. Syntax
  7. Uses
  8. Flags
  9. RewriteCond directive
  10. Syntax
  11. Uses (combining)
  12. Flags
  13. RewriteOptions directive
  14. RewriteBase directive
  15. RewriteMaps directive
  16. RewriteLock directive
  17. mod_rewrite in practice

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