Curso API Management Anypoint Platform Operations

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso API Management Anypoint Platform Operations

08 Horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso API Management Anypoint Platform Operations, é para todos os funcionários de operações e administração, desenvolvedores e arquitetos que desejam obter experiência prática no gerenciamento e implantação de APIs na Anypoint Platform™ (seja na nuvem ou usando a Private Cloud Edition).


Após realizare este Curso API Management Anypoint Platform Operations você ser capazes de:

  • Navegue pela plataforma Anypoint.
  • Documente, teste e compartilhe APIs usando o Anypoint Exchange.
  • Crie, implante e gerencie instâncias de API.
  • Governe APIs com políticas e níveis de SLA.
  • Promova APIs de um ambiente para outro.
  • Organize APIs com controle de versão.
  • Analise e monitore APIs usando API Manager, Anypoint Analytics e Anypoint Monitoring.
Publico Alvo
  • Nenhum
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introducing Anypoint Platform

  1. Describe and navigate Anypoint Platform
  2. Explain the API development lifecycle with Anypoint Platform

Discovering and consuming APIs

  1. Create APIs in Design Center using RAML specifications
  2. Publish, document, and test API specifications in Anypoint Exchange
  3. Control API access using Anypoint Exchange portals
  4. Discover APIs through public portals
  5. Describe how to extend the capabilities of Anypoint Exchange with API Community Manager

Configuring and activating API policy enforcement endpoints

  1. Distinguish between API implementations and API specifications
  2. Describe the two types of API policy enforcement endpoints
  3. Manage APIs using basic endpoint configurations
  4. Manage APIs using proxy endpoint configurations
  5. Deploy API implementations to CloudHub
  6. Apply automated policies to all API instances

Exploring and applying various API policy types

  1. Distinguish between the types of API policies available in API Manager
  2. Describe how to extend MuleSoft API management capabilities to non-Mule services with Anypoint Service Mesh
  3. Enforce Service Level Agreement (SLA) tiers for APIs or groups of APIs
  4. Apply rate limiting - SLA-based policies to APIs
  5. Apply the spike control policy to APIs
  6. Define the order of execution of policies
  7. Secure managed APIs with the OAuth 2.0 token enforcement policy

Promoting and versioning managed APIs

  1. Promote managed APIs from one environment to another
  2. Version APIs and API groups in Design Center
  3. Document changes in API versions inside portals
  4. Deprecate old versions of APIs and API groups

Monitoring APIs

  1. Enable Anypoint Monitoring for applications and APIs
  2. Monitor APIs using the built-in dashboards in Anypoint Monitoring
  3. Create custom dashboards and charts with Anypoint Monitoring
  4. Create API alert notifications using Anypoint Analytics
  5. Create and run custom reports from Anypoint Analytics
  6. Enable API analytics in third-party software

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