Curso Atlassian Bamboo

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Atlassian Bamboo

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Atlassian Bamboo. Prepare-se para o trabalho dominando os conceitos avançados de integração e entrega contínuas, implantação contínua e automação de processos de construção de desenvolvimento de software por meio de casos de uso em tempo real em nosso treinamento. Você também terá exposição a projetos em tempo real baseados no setor que estão alinhados com o exame de certificação Atlassian Bamboo.


O principal objetivo do curso Atlassian Bamboo Training da Mindmajix é torná-lo um especialista em ferramentas de integração e entrega. Após a conclusão deste curso, você aprenderá os conceitos básicos do Atlassian Bamboo. Eles são os seguintes:

  • Métodos para construir e implantar um aplicativo não trivial
  • Tipos de testes com Bamboo
  • Conceitos fundamentais do Bambu 
  • Técnicas para administrar Bambu 
  • Gestão de filiais.

Após a conclusão deste Curso Atlassian Bamboo, você será capaz de: 

  • Aprenda as maneiras adequadas de implementar sistemas CI e CD.
  • Instale o bambu e configure agentes de construção locais ou estáticos.
  • Configurar agentes de build elásticos na AWS
  • Crie tarefas e empregos 
  • Use o paralelismo para construir e empacotar código com mais rapidez
Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros DevOps
  • Desenvolvedores
  • Gerentes técnicos
  • Arquitetos de soluções
  • Não há pré-requisitos para aprender este Curso Atlassian Bamboo. Mas, um conhecimento básico de DevOps seria uma vantagem adicional 
  • Para aprimorar suas habilidades, você pode assistir nossos vídeos individualizados sobre DevOps.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Getting started with Atlassian Bamboo

  1. Introduction to Bamboo
  2. Understanding the Bamboo CI Server
  3. Using Bamboo in the enterprise
  4. Bamboo installations on systems
  5. Bamboo remote agent installation
  6. Running Bamboo as a service
  7. Getting started with Bamboo live environment with Java project
  8. Introduction to Bamboo dashboard
  9. Using the Bamboo dashboard

Using Bamboo - A deep dive

  1. Configuring plans
  2. Viewing a plan's build information
  3. Creating a plan
  4. Using plan branches
  5. Using the branch status page
  6. Managing plans
  7. Configuring a plan's permissions
  8. Disabling or deleting a plan
  9. Modifying multiple plans in bulk
  10. Moving plans to a different project
  11. Configuring concurrent builds
  12. Configuring the hanging build event
  13. Configuring the build queue timeout event
  14. Disabling build monitoring

Linking Bamboo to Source code repositories

  1. Fundamentals of source code management
  2. Introduction to source control repositories
  3. Introduction to Bitbucket, Github, Mercurial, CVS and others
  4. Linking Bamboo to Bitbucket
  5. Linking Bamboo to Github

Triggering Builds

  1. Polling the repository for changes
  2. Repository triggers the build when changes are committed
  3. Cron-based scheduling

Jobs and tasks

  1. Creating a job
  2. Configuring jobs
  3. Configuring a job's requirements
  4. Configuring a job's build artifacts
  5. Configuring miscellaneous settings for a job
  6. Disabling or deleting a job
  7. Deleting a job's current working files
  8. Configuring tasks
  9. Checking out code
  10. Configuring a builder task
  11. Configuring a test task
  12. Configuring a variables task
  13. Configuring a deployment task
  14. Pattern matching reference
  15. Sharing artifacts

Working with Builds

  1. Working with build results
  2. Viewing a build result
  3. Assigning responsibility for build failures
  4. Configuring build results expiry for a plan
  5. Deleting the results of a plan build
  6. Working with comments and labels
  7. Quarantining failing tests
  8. Setting up plan build dependencies
  9. Dependency blocking strategies
  10. Viewing test statistics for a job
  11. Reordering jobs in the build queue
  12. Stopping an active build

Deployment projects

  1. Understanding deployment release
  2. Deployment projects workflow
  3. A sample deployment project
  4. Creating and configuring a deployment project
  5. Naming versions for deployment releases
  6. Creating a deployment environment
  7. Tasks for deployment environments
  8. Triggers for deployment environments
  9. Agents for deployment environments
  10. Notifications for deployment environments
  11. Requirements for deployment environments
  12. Managing deployment projects
  13. Deployments from branches

Getting feedback

  1. Notifications
  2. Displaying the wallboard
  3. Configuring notifications for a plan and its jobs
  4. Reporting
  5. Viewing build statistics for all users
  6. Viewing build results for an author
  7. Generating reports on selected authors
  8. Generating reports across multiple plans
  9. Viewing the Clover code-coverage for a plan
  10. Viewing the Clover code-coverage for a build

Integrating Bamboo with Atlassian applications

  1. Linking Bamboo to another application
  2. Integrating Bamboo with JIRA applications
  3. Viewing linked JIRA application issues
  4. Linking JIRA application issues to a build
  5. Creating JIRA application issues from a build
  6. Viewing Bamboo activity in JIRA applications
  7. Integrating builds with your issues workflow

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