Curso Bitbucket Introduction With Git

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Bitbucket Introduction With Git

16 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Bitbucket Introduction With Git, se aprofunda nos princípios básicos e benefícios aplicados para seus projetos de software e é ensinarão e explicarão habilmente como executar tarefas relacionadas ao Git, além de implementar e conectar o BitBucket a terceiros, sempre estando atento das diversas opções de segurança disponíveis.
Este Curso Bitbucket Introduction With Git, atrairia uma variedade de funções, incluindo desenvolvedores de software, engenheiros de construção e lançamento e profissionais de DevOps. Todas as habilidades que você adquirirá ao fazer este curso renderão um dividendo tangível para os projetos de sua empresa; permitindo que você use, controle e gerencie o BitBucket para gerenciar e manter seus produtos de software.


Após realizar este Curso Bitbucket Introduction With Git você será capaz de:

  • Compreender os princípios básicos do controle de versão implementados usando o protocolo Git e
  • Aprenda como usar o BitBucket de maneira eficaz para gerenciar e manter seus projetos de software
  • Avalie os benefícios de usar o BitBucket para gerenciar e proteger seus ativos de engenharia de software
  • Reconheça e explique como executar todas as tarefas básicas relacionadas ao Git, como criar e clonar um repositório, ramificar e mesclar.
  • Estude para implementar e conectar o BitBucket com outros sistemas de terceiros
  • Esteja ciente das diferentes opções de segurança disponíveis para proteger sua configuração do BitBucket
  • Ser capaz de usar, controlar e gerenciar o BitBucket usando o console de administração baseado na web e/ou usando um cliente git.
Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores de software
  • Engenheiros de construção e lançamento de software
  • Praticantes de DevOps
Portugues/Inglês + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
  1. Getting Started
    1. Getting Started with BitBucket
      1. Creating an Account
      2. Configuring Two-step Verification
    2. Creating a Repository
    3. Creating a Snippet
    4. Using the BitBucket User Interface
    5. Exercise: Sign up for Bitbucket using the website. Use the Bitbucket website browser file editor to create a repository and a README file. Create a snippet, make it public, and share it with the instructor.
  2. Working in Teams
    1. Configuring Your Account
      1. Setting Permissions
      2. Adding Notifications
    2. Configuring a Repository
      1. Choosing a Branching Model
      2. Choosing a Merging Strategy
      3. Protecting a Branch
      4. Assigning Permissions to Users
    3. Organizing Your Repositories into Projects
      1. Creating a Project
      2. Assigning Repositories to a Project
    4. Reviewing Code
      1. Creating a Pull Request
      2. Viewing the Changed Files
      3. Adding a Comment
      4. Approving a Pull Request
      5. Merging a Pull Request
    5. Using Code Aware Search
    6. Exercise: Create a repository and invite all other members of the class. Assign different permissions to each member. Group all the repositories made in the session together into a project. Each member of the class creates a README file that will be reviewed by another member of the class.
  3. Creating Documentation
    1. Raising an Issue
      1. Creating Different Types of Issues
      2. Assigning an Issue to a User
    2. Making a Wiki
      1. Creating the Wiki
      2. Adding a Page
      3. Editing a Page
      4. Cloning
    3. Exercise: Create a wiki and add a page. Raise a bug and a task.
  4. Running Pipelines
    1. Using a Default Template
    2. Updating a Build Pipeline File
    3. Monitoring Deployments
    4. Building Pipeline Triggers
    5. Using SSH Keys
    6. Setting Up Notifications
    7. Building in Concurrency
    8. Exercise: Create a build pipeline to compile and test a Node.js application.
  5. Using the Command Line to Manage Your Git Repository
    1. Install Git command-line application
      1. Mac
      2. Windows PC
      3. Linux PC
    2. Setting Up SSH Keys
      1. Mac
      2. Windows PC
      3. Linux PC
    3. Cloning a Repository Using HTTPS
    4. Cloning a Repository Using SSH
    5. Configuring Your Commit Username and Email
    6. Performing Common Git Actions
      1. Creating a Branch
      2. Creating a Patch
      3. Stashing Changes
      4. Rebasing
      5. Reverting a Commit
      6. Tagging a Commit
      7. Cherry Picking a Commit
    7. Exercise: Install Git command line application with SSH keys to communicate with a repository. Clone a repository using SSH and HTTPS. Set a global Git commit username and email. Create a branch, commit, and push changes to the remote repository.
  6. Using SourceTree to Manage Your Git Repository
    1. Getting Started with SourceTree
      1. Windows Installation
      2. Mac Installation
      3. Linux Installation
    2. Connecting SourceTree With a Bitbucket repository
    3. Using SourceTree to Manage a Git Repository
      1. Creating a Branch
      2. Creating a Patch
      3. Stashing Changes
      4. Rebasing
      5. Reverting a Commit
      6. Tagging a Commit
      7. Cherry Picking a Commit
    4. Exercise: Install SourceTree application, connect a Bitbucket account and set up SSH keys to communicating with a repository. Clone a repository using SSH. Set a global Git commit username and email. Create a branch, commit, and push changes to the remote repository.
  7. Connecting Bitbucket With Other Atlassian Services
    1. How to Connect BitBucket to:
      1. Bamboo, a fully featured continuous integration / continuous deployment service
      2. Jira, an upgraded issue tracking solution and project management service
      3. Confluence, an easy to administrate wiki service
      4. Crucible, a tightly integrated code review service
      5. Trello, a minimalist project management tool
    2. Exercise: Create a free account with all third party Atlassian services. Connect to each service using Bitbucket
  8. Plans and Billing
    1. What’s Included in the Free Plan
    2. Costs, Features, and Limits of the Standard Plan
    3. Costs, Features, and Limits of the Premium Plan

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