Curso DevOps with Jenkins

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso DevOps with Jenkins

16 horas
Publico Alvo
  1. Desenvolvedores
  2. Gerentes de construção
  3. Analistas de controle de qualidade
  4. Engenheiros de software
  5. Arquitetos de Software
  6. Profissionais de Operações
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of DevOps Practices

Learning Objective 

  • Get introduced to successful DevOps practices and understand how to navigate the DevOps environment. 


  1. Introduction of DevOps practices 
  2. What is DevOps? 
  3. Vision and phase-wise implementation 
  4. Continuous code inspection 
  5. Continuous integration 
  6. Continuous delivery and continuous deployment 
  7. Infrastructure as code 
  8. Pipeline example 

Overview of Jenkins

Learning Objective

  • Understand how Jenkins works and where it is useful. 


  1. Introduction of Jenkins 
  2. What is Jenkins? 
  3. Why Jenkins? 
  4. Jenkins projects 
  5. Jenkins tour

Install and Configure Jenkins

Learning Objective 

  • Learn how to install and configure Jenkins  


  1. Introduction to installation and configuration of Jenkins 
  2. Install and configure Jenkins 
  3. Introduction to Docker Desktop 
  4. Download Docker desktop 
  5. Install Docker desktop 
  6. Execute Docker commands 
  7. Jenkins network and volume configuration for docker 
  8. un Jenkins in Docker container 
  9. Install WAR file in any operating system 
  10. Jenkins configuration 
  11. System configuration for Jenkins 
  12. Jenkins plugins 
  13. Introduction to plugins 
  14. Manage plugins 
  15. Global Tools Configuration 
  16. Create a simple Maven project 
  17. Credential management 
  18. Jenkins home directory

Overview of SonarQube

Learning Objective 

  • Gain an understanding of SonarQube and its benefits 


  1. Introduction of SonarQube 
  2. Why SonarQube? 
  3. What is SonarQube? 
  4. Install and configure SonarQube 
  5. SonarQube plans 
  6. How does SonarQube work? 
  7. Install and configure SonarQube 
  8. SonarQube –Rules 
  9. SonarQube –Sonar tokens 
  10. SonarQube –Users 
  11. SonarQube –Groups 
  12. SonarQube using Docker 
  13. SonarQube in different OS 
  14. Quality gate 
  15. Quality gate introduction 
  16. Quality gate 
  17. Quality profiles 
  18. Quality profile introduction 
  19. Quality profile 
  20. SonarQube scanner 
  21. SonarQube scanner introduction 
  22. SonarQube scanner 

Pipeline as a Code

Learning Objective

  • Get an understanding of how Pipeline as a code works 


  1. Introduction of pipeline as a code 
  2. What is pipeline as a code 
  3. Jenkins 2.0 

Jenkins Pipelines

Learning Objective

  • Understand Jenkins pipeline and how to build them 


  1. Build pipeline plugin 
  2. Build pipeline in Jenkins 
  3. Jenkinsfile introduction 
  4. Scripted Pipeline 
  5. Declarative Pipeline 
  6. Declarative Pipeline introduction 
  7. Declarative Pipeline 
  8. Scripted Pipeline vs Declarative Pipeline 
  9. Blue Ocean 
  10. YAML pipeline 
  11. Create YAML pipeline 
  12. Pipeline syntax: Snippet Generator 

Multi-branch Pipeline

Learning Objective

  • Learn about multi-branch pipelines and branching models 


  1. Introduction of multi-branch pipeline 
  2. Branching models and multibranch pipeline 
  3. Multi-branch pipeline in Jenkins 

Distributed Architecture

Learning Objective 

  • Understand how to work with Jenkins in a distributed architecture. 


  1. Introduction of distributed architecture 
  2. Jenkins distributed architecture 
  3. Controller and agent in Jenkins 
  4. Agent labels 
  5. Tools location in Jenkins agent 
  6. Different agents for different stages 
  7. Execute pipeline on Docker agent 
  8. Agent pool 

Authentication and Authorization in Jenkins

Learning Objective

  • Get an understanding of the security measures you can implement with Jenkins 


  1. Introduction of authentication and authorization 
  2. Enabling security in Jenkins 
  3. Authentication in Jenkins 
  4. Authorization in Jenkins 
  5. Project-based authorization 
  6. Security advisories in Jenkins 


Learning Objective 

  • For the final capstone project, you will create pipeline as code to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery for a SpringBoot project. 

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