Curso Drools Business Rule Management System

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Curso Drools Business Rule Management System

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Drools Business Rule Management System. Drools é um software de gerenciamento de regras de negócios (BRMS) de código aberto escrito em Java. Este Curso Drools Business Rule Management System ensina os participantes como escrever, refinar e implantar regras do Drools.


Após realizar este Curso Drools Business Rule Management System você será capaz de:

  • Entenda o que é Drools
  • Compreenda as regras e o mecanismo de regras
  • Trabalhe com os componentes no Drools
  • Entenda a arquitetura do Drools
  • Escreva código Drools com casos de uso em tempo real
  • Entenda as sessões com estado e sem estado
  • Entenda a sintaxe da linguagem Drools
  • ter programação Java básica.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Drools Introduction

  1. What is a Rule-Based Engine?
  2. Advantages of the rule engine
  3. When not to use rule engine?
  4. What is Drools?
  5. Environment setup
  6. First Drool program
  7. Creating Drools project with Eclipse Plugin
  8. Creating Rules-Based Maven Project from scratch

Drools Rules

  1. Rules basic structure
  2. Rules writing
  3. Rules syntax
  4. Left-Hand Side (When) syntax
  5. The Right-Hand side (then)
  6. Declarative approach
  7. Imperative versus Declarative implementation
  8. Rules execution chaining
  9. Atomicity of rules
  10. Ordering of rules
  11. Rule execution life cycle
  12. Complex Rule and multiple Rule
  13. Timers and Calendars
  14. Defining our rules and facts
  15. Translating rules into Drools Rule Language
  16. Selecting proper facts
  17. Basic operations and Drools specific operators
  18. Basic accumulate functions (sum, max, etc.)
  19. Intermediate calculations
  20. Inserting new facts
  21. Ordering rules
  22. Backward chaining
  23. Working with facts
  24. Manipulating facts in code
  25. Manipulating facts in rules

Drools Runtime

  1. KieModel and KieContainer
  2. KieModel configuration (KieBases, KieSession, and stateless KieSession)
  3. Stateless Knowledge Session
  4. Stateful knowledge Session

Improving Rule Syntax

  1. Modifying the data in the working memory
  2. The insert keyword
  3. The modify and update keywords
  4. The delete/retract keywords
  5. Rule Attributes
  6. Controlling which rule will execute
  7. Splitting rule groups with agenda group
  8. Other rule groups
  9. Rule dates management
  10. Special Drools operations
  11. Boolean and numeric operations
  12. Regex operations
  13. Collections (contains, memberOf)

Understanding KIE Sessions in Detail

  1. Stateless and stateful Kie Sessions
  2. Kie Runtime components
  3. Globals
  4. Way to parameterize the condition of a pattern
  5. Way to improve new information in a session in LHS
  6. Way to collect information from a session
  7. Kie Base components
  8. Functions
  9. Custom operators
  10. Custom accumulates functions

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