Curso Elastic Certified Engineer Exam

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Elastic Certified Engineer Exam

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este cCurso Elastic Certified Engineer Exam foi desenvolvido tanto para novos usuários do Elasticsearch quanto para profissionais do Elasticsearch. Ele começa com o básico para começar a usar o Elastic Stack e, em seguida, se aprofunda rapidamente em tópicos que vão desde a otimização do desempenho da pesquisa até a construção de clusters eficientes. Você aprenderá sobre várias maneiras de ingerir e processar dados, como escrever solicitações de pesquisa complexas e trabalhar com suas respostas, estratégias para aumentar ou diminuir seus clusters, gerenciar índices em clusters grandes e múltiplos clusters, gerenciamento geral de clusters e recomendações de solução de problemas. Depois de concluir este Curso Elastic Certified Engineer Exam, você estará no caminho certo para se tornar um  Elastic Certified Engineer .

Certificação para especialistas que podem instalar e gerenciar clusters, bem como desenvolver soluções de busca.

Publico Alvo
  • Software Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Data Architects
  • System Administrators
  • DevOps
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Data Management

  1. Define an index that satisfies a given set of requirements
  2. Define and use an index template for a given pattern that satisfies a given set of requirements
  3. Define and use a dynamic template that satisfies a given set of requirements
  4. Define an Index Lifecycle Management policy for a time-series index
  5.  Define an index template that creates a new data stream

Searching Data

  1. Write and execute a search query for terms and/or phrases in one or more fields of an index
  2. Write and execute a search query that is a Boolean combination of multiple queries and filters
  3. Write an asynchronous search
  4. Write and execute metric and bucket aggregations
  5. Write and execute aggregations that contain sub-aggregations
  6. Write and execute a query that searches across multiple clusters
  7. Write and execute a search that utilizes a runtime field

Developing Search Applications

  1. Highlight the search terms in the response of a query
  2. Sort the results of a query by a given set of requirements
  3. Implement pagination of the results of a search query
  4. Define and use index aliases
  5. Define and use a search template

Data Processing

  1. Define a mapping that satisfies a given set of requirements
  2. Define and use a custom analyzer that satisfies a given set of requirements
  3. Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers
  4. Use the Reindex API and Update By Query API to reindex and/or update documents
  5. Define and use an ingest pipeline that satisfies a given set of requirements, including the use of Painless to modify documents
  6.  Define runtime fields to retrieve custom values using Painless scripting

Cluster Management

  1. Diagnose shard issues and repair a cluster's health
  2. Backup and restore a cluster and/or specific indices
  3. Configure a snapshot to be searchable
  4. Configure a cluster for cross-cluster search
  5. Implement cross-cluster replication

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