Curso Git for Network Engineers

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Curso Git for Network Engineers

16 horas
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. What is Git?
  2. Why care about Git?
  3. A series of snapshots
  4. Distributed
  5. Initializing Git
  6. What objects does Git track?
  7. What is a repository?

File States, Hashes, Commit History

  1. File States: tracked vs untracked
  2. Two-step commit process
  3. What is staging?
  4. How does Git uses hashes?
  5. First commit
  6. Git log and the commit history

Adding and Removing Files

  1. Adding multiple files
  2. Adding directories
  3. Trees in Git (directories)
  4. Commits, files, and the working dir
  5. Removing files and directories


  1. What is a branch?
  2. How does Git track branches
  3. What is the HEAD file?
  4. Creating branches
  5. Branches as pointers
  6. Our first merge
  7. What is a fast-forward merge?


  1. Deleting a branch
  2. What is a three-way merge?
  3. How Git handles a three-way merge
  4. Performing a three-way merge
  5. Rebasing insteading of merging
  6. How to rebase a branch

Merge Conflicts

  1. What causes merge conflicts?
  2. How to create a merge conflict
  3. Resolving a merge conflict
  4. Merge conflict examples

 Remote Repositories

  1. Working with remote repositories
  2. Adding a remote in Git
  3. Remote branches
  4. Where is remote information stored?
  5. git fetch
  6. No repository is better than another

Git Push/Pull and Tracking Branches

  1. git pull
  2. git pull with a rebase
  3. Pushing changes to a remote repository
  4. Adding a tracking branch
  5. How tracking branches affect behavior
  6. What is Git's refspec?

Using GitHub

  1. Creating a GitHub account
  2. Forking a repository
  3. Cloning your forked repository
  4. What git clone does automatically
  5. What is a packfile?
  6. Setting up a personal access token
  7. Adding a fork as a remote repository

GitHub Creating Repositories and Pull Requests

  1. Creating a repository in GitHub
  2. GitHub pull-requests
  3. Reviewing and approving pull-requests
  4. Updating forked repositories
  5. Commit history in GitHub

Tags, Config Options, Stashing Changes

  1. Creating and listing tags
  2. Pushing tags to a remote repository
  3. Customizing Git's config
  4. Stashing changes
  5. Popping changes from the stash
  6. Managing multiple stash entries

Undoing Commits, Git Workflows

  1. Undoing a commit (soft)
  2. Undoing a commit (hard)
  3. Implications of changing the history
  4. Force pushing your commit history
  5. Git workflows

 GitHub Actions (Plus Package Only)

  1. An aside on YAML
  2. Creating your workflow
  3. Defining a job
  4. Defining steps
  5. Creating a matrix
  6. Adding simple tests

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