Curso Laravel Web Development with Laravel

  • Web UX Design Era Digital

Curso Laravel Web Development with Laravel

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Laravel Web Development with Laravel. Laravel é um framework PHP muito popular e este curso ensinará os alunos como instalar e manusear o laravel e utilizá-lo para desenvolver aplicações web poderosas e dinâmicas.  Além disso, as sessões de treinamento serão realizadas sob a supervisão de especialistas do setor um instrutor consltor atimo nomecado atuando com Laravel no dia-dia.

À medida que o desenvolvimento web profissional está se tornando uma das opções de carreira populares no mercado o treinamento em Laravel é a maneira perfeita de desenvolver habilidades de desenvolvimento web. Mesmo depois de concluir o treinamento em PHP , o Laravel pode ser a melhor opção para seguir em frente, ou você pode começar do zero e explorar as coisas.



Após realizar este Curso Laravel Web Development with Laravel você será capaz de:

  • Compreensão aprofundada dos recursos MVC no Laravel Framework.
  • Facilita o processo de desenvolvimento web dos programadores.
  • Os dados são protegidos, o que permite um processo de desenvolvimento saudável.
  • Alguém pode se tornar um freelancer.
  • Oferece enormes oportunidades de carreira e colocação profissional.
  • Profissionalismo e credibilidade atingem um pico.
  • Cria o hábito de se manter atualizado com as novas tecnologias.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Installing and setting up Laravel and Supporting Tool

  1. Introduction to Laravel
  2. Concept of Composer
  3. Install & Use of Composer
  4. Installing Laravel using composer
  5. Install & Use of open source distributed version control system GIT
  6. Concept & Use of GitHub for hosting GIT repositories
  7. Configuring Laravel
  8. Project Structure
  9. Setting up Development and Debugging Tools


  1. Basic Routing
  2. Named Routing
  3. Grouped Routing
  4. Routing Parameters
  5. Handling Invalid Routes
  6. Route filtering with Middleware


  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Controllers
  3. Restful Resource Controllers
  4. Controller Routing
  5. Controller Middleware


  1. Handling Request Info.
  2. Request Inputs
  3. Form Inputs
  4. Old Inputs
  5. Cookies
  6. Files


  1. Attach Headers and Cookie to response
  2. Response with View
  3. Response with JSON
  4. Response with File


  1. Introduction
  2. Migration
  3. Schema Building
  4. Migration Structure
  5. Running Migration
  6. Writing Migration
  7. Seeding
  8. Database Configuration
  9. Running Raw SQL queries


  1. Eloquent ORM
  2. Defining Model
  3. Retrieving Model
  4. Insert & Update Model
  5. Deleting Model
  6. Eloquent Relationship
  7. One to One
  8. One to Many
  9. Many to Many


  1. Passing data to view
  2. Sharing data to all views
  3. Blade Template Engine
  4. Introduction
  5. Template Inheritance
  6. Displaying Data
  7. Implement Control Structures

Laravel Forms & Html Component

  1. Installation
  2. Generating form
  3. CSRF Protection
  4. Form Elements
  5. Labels
  6. Text, Text Area, Password & Hidden Fields
  7. Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
  8. File Input
  9. Number Input
  10. Date Input
  11. Drop-Down Lists
  12. Buttons
  13. Custom Form Macros

Laravel Services

  1. Authentication of our application
  2. Introduction
  3. Configuring Auth Library
  4. Creating authentication system using Middleware
  5. Artisan Console
  6. Concept
  7. Exception Handling and Error Logging
  8. Laravel Helpers
  9. Briefing through available helpers
  10. Mail
  11. Configuring & sending mail
  12. Pagination
  13. Session
  14. Cache
  15. Event
  16. Laravel's events provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to subscribe and listen for events in your application.
  17. Localization
  18. Helps create Multi-language application
  19. Validation
  20. Validation approaches
  21. Validation Rules with associating messages
  22. Custom Rules with associating custom messages

Laravel Architectural Concept

  1. Request Lifecycle
  2. Gives knowledge of how Laravel actually works.
  3. Facade
  4. Provides an easy way of accessing application class and librairies.
  5. Service Providers in Laravel
  6. Service providers are the central place of all Laravel application bootstrapping.
  7. Service Containers in Laravel
  8. Service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection.

Laravel Package Development

  1. Packages are the primary way of adding our custom functionality to Laravel which aren’t provide by framework. ACL ( Access Control List ) System using Laravel Authorization and available laravel acl packages Design Patterns followed while developing ecommerce web application
  2. MVC
  3. Repository Pattern
  4. Strategy Pattern
  5. Performing Gulp tasks using Laravel Elixier Use of Bower for managing Client Side Package Management System Unit Testing using Laravel’s built in Test Component.

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