Curso OpenStack Administration & Operations

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso OpenStack Administration & Operations

24 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso OpenStack Administration & Operations, é um curso projetado para fornecer a você uma experiência profunda na administração e operação dos componentes OpenStack mais comuns para implementar Infraestrutura como Serviço (IaaS) em uma nuvem privada; desde gerenciamento de imagens até criação de instâncias, plug-ins de rede e muito mais.


Após realizar este Curso OpenStack Administration & Operations, você será capaz de:

Aprenda as habilidades críticas necessárias para operar e administrar um ambiente OpenStack. Todos os cursos Mirantis OpenStack são independentes de fornecedor. As tarefas são executadas em um ambiente OpenStack sem nenhum complemento de fornecedor que possa alterar a forma como o OpenStack funciona. Implementações de referência são utilizadas, como Logical Volume Manager (LVM) para Block Storage, Open vSwitch (OVS) para rede L2 ou KVM/QEMU para o hipervisor.


Publico Alvo
  • Administradores de sistema/rede, profissionais técnicos de TI, engenheiros de implantação, administradores de nuvem e operações de nuvem
  • Habilidades básicas em Linux
  • Compreensão básica das tecnologias de nuvem e virtualização
  • Habilidades básicas de hipervisor são benéficas, como KVM ou VMware, mas não são obrigatórias
  • Experiência OS100 ou OpenStack equivalente
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
  1. Keystone (Identity service): Authenticating with Keystone, including authentication methods, such as, Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and Time-based One-time Password (TOTP), managing tokens, security compliance options, such as, requiring users to change their password on initial login, RBAC policies, the purpose of the Service Catalog, plus introductions to implied roles and unified limits (similar to quotas)
  2. Glance (Image service): Creating & managing images, options to build an image, the purpose of cloud-init, use of image metadata and its effect on the nova-scheduler, using AMI images, Image compression, using the local image cache to improve performance
  3. Neutron (Network service): Understand what networks OpenStack uses, such as, the management network. Neutron architecture, including plugins, namespaces, layer 2 protocols, layer 3 routing, Neutron security groups, including stateful security groups, using the metadata proxy service, implementing bandwidth limits for improved Quality of Service. Open vSwitch (OVS) is used as the reference implementation.
  4. Nova (Compute service): Using Nova to deploy virtual machine (VM) instances & control where the instances are deployed. Deploying instances with SSH keys for better security. Understanding the supported hypervisors. Implementing resource quotas. Using Server Groups to control where instances are deployed. Pre-caching images on a nova-compute node to improve performance. Live migration of instances. How to use Nova and the Placement service to display statistics related to an instance.
  5. Cinder (Block Storage service): Create and manage volumes using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) as the reference implementation, including an introduction to LVM. Create boot volumes to launch instances. Volume Types – what are they? Why do you need them? Deferred delete of volumes. Migrating volumes across backends.
  6. Heat (Orchestration service):Discusses Heat templates, their syntax, and MANY practical day-to-day examples of Heat templates, including examples of installing and configuring software on your instances at boot.Heat (Orchestration service): Discusses Heat templates, their syntax, and MANY practical day-to-day examples of Heat templates, including examples of installing and configuring software on your instances at boot.
  7. Octavia (LBaaS): Using the CLI to create & manage a load balancer, load balancer resources, as well as, managing the amphora. Understanding what load balancing algorithms are available. Understanding what a load balancer provider is. Using diskimage-create utility to build image for amphora.
  8. Ceilometer / Aodh (Telemetry services): Discuss the role & architecture of each component. What metrics are collected, how, when, and how can you configure that. Displaying alarms and understanding the data collected. Review a sample application with load balancing and autoscaling.

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