Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban

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Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban

16 horas
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O Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban, fornece uma compreensão aplicada/prática da estrutura Scrum e ajuda os participantes a começar a desenvolver as ferramentas, insights e habilidades necessárias para desempenhar o papel de Scrum Master e aplicar Scrum em seus projetos e ajudar suas organizações a adotarem esta nova técnica. Analisaremos as metodologias atuais que sua equipe usa (Agile, Waterfall, etc.) e ajudaremos a criar uma lista de verificação de práticas recomendadas aproveitando Scrum e Kanban como ferramentas adicionais.


Após realizar este Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban, você será capaz de:

Este Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban, ensinará você a desempenhar a função de ScrumMaster em qualquer esforço Scrum. Especificamente, você aprenderá como:

  • Iniciar e liderar um esforço Scrum
  • Estabeleça uma visão compartilhada para toda a equipe ao adotar o papel de 'Líder Servidor'
  • Conduza o planejamento do Scrum Sprint utilizando histórias de usuários e estimativa de pontos de história
  • Lidere sua equipe Scrum por meio de planejamento, Scrums diários, revisão e sessões retrospectivas
  • Utilize gráficos de burndown para identificar e gerenciar a velocidade da equipe
  • Criar um ambiente no qual equipes autogerenciadas e auto-organizadas possam florescer
  • Identifique, inscreva e envolva as partes interessadas da empresa em seu projeto
  • Aplique as melhores práticas Kanban usando workshops
Publico Alvo
  • Este Curso Scrum Essentials with Kanban, foi desenvolvido para aqueles que irão liderar, apoiar ou participar de projetos baseados em Scrum; isso inclui líderes de projeto e gerentes de projeto existentes, ScrumMasters em potencial, ScrumMasters existentes, Proprietários de Produtos, gerentes de desenvolvimento, membros da equipe, arquitetos e desenvolvedores.


Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

History of Scrum

  1. Activity I – Students will identify a list of ‘buzzwords’ that characterize Scrum as they know it today. This will be used to establish a common understanding of the course and what each student brings with them to the course. It will also be utilized each day as a review.
  2. History – Simple Beginnings
  3. Description of the New Product Development white paper. The early work of both Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, a definition of SCRUM and simple description of empirical control (how and why it works), ending with a simple description of Waterfall vs. Scrum and how Scrum is winning.
  • Overview of Scrum
    1. Roles – Introduce ScrumMaster, product owner and the development team
    2. Artifacts – Introduce the product backlog with stories, the Sprint backlog with tasks, the final product and the burndown chart
    3. Ceremonies – Introduce the concept of timeboxing with the Sprint, the Sprint planning session, the daily Scrum, the Sprint review and the Sprint retrospective
    4. The Framework – One page illustrating current thinking on the framework. This will be used as the structure slide for the remainder of the two days.
  • Resources you can use:
    1. org
    2. Scrum Alliance
    3. Agile Alliance
  • Activity II – The students will be asked to visit and download the current version of the Scrum guide. They will then be asked to peruse the article and identify the different roles, artifacts, and ceremonies within the body of the document.


  • Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing
    1. Developing self-managing, Self-Organizing Teams
    2. The Servant Leader
    3. Three Roles of Scrum Work Together


  • Writing Stories
  • Evaluating Stories
  • Estimating Stories
  • Estimating Business Value
  • Activity IV – Writing and assessing stories with INVEST. Everyone writes and everyone evaluates with no specific case study yet.
  • Product Backlog
    1. Product Backlog Items
    2. Stories
    3. Epics
    4. Minimal Marketable Features
    5. Activity V Ordered List – The students will develop an ordered list for their product backlog. The team will select a product owner based on interest in the case study and the instructor will assign a second student to play the ScrumMaster role. Each person will get to play the SM role throughout the two days so the instructor needs to plan this out a bit. The product owner will need to be worked in, but their interest will be used to help guide the story writing at first.

Sprint Planning

  1. Order of Events
  2. Sprint Backlog vs. Product Backlog
  3. The Task Board and Kanban
  4. The Burndown Chart Explained
  5. What Does the Scrum Master Do?
  6. Activity VI – Conduct Sprint Planning
  7. Activity VII – Perform first sprint and develop burndown chart

Daily Scrum

  1. Three Questions
  2. Impediments and What To Do with Them
  3. Corporate Change
  4. Activity VIII – Perform second Sprint with a new ScrumMaster and compare results, specifically velocity, to Sprint #1. The ScrumMasters are expected to perform the daily with their team and identify impediments

Sprint Review

  1. Purpose and Steps of Sprint Review
  2. Demo vs. Presentation
  3. What About Integration Testing
  4. Activity IX – Perform Sprint #3 with a new ScrumMaster and focus on having each team prepare a Sprint review of their work. One team will present and other teams’ ScrumMasters will critique

Sprint Retrospective

  1. Retrospective Recipe: Activity X (one large group) – Discuss lessons learned in the three Sprints thus far
  2. Activity XI – Sprint #4 with a new ScrumMaster and focus on the retro. Ask each team to identify at least one thing they want to try differently on the next sprint. Key: Do the retro first based on our discussion with the large group, then perform the Sprint with the different techniques applied, then perform another retro. This second retro will be presented to the class.

Lean and Kanban

  1. Lean
  2. MUDA
  3. Continuous Improvement
  4. Investment Ladders
  5. Value Stream Maps
  6. Cumulative Flow Diagrams
  7. Drawing the Map
  8. Where is the Muda?
  9. KanBan = Sign Card
  10. Cadence
  11. Root Cause Analysis
  12. Reducing WIP
  13. Pull Systems
  14. Activity – LEGO
  15. Activity – Your process

Change It Up

  1. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing
  2. ScrumMaster vs. Product Owner Energy Level
  3. Servant Leader Revisited
  4. Activity XII – Current ScrumMasters will change teams and evaluate the existing teams by conducting another Sprint (Sprint #5). Let the teams run with what they already know, and have the ScrumMasters evaluate against several key items in a checklist. This is a good time to simply have the ScrumMaster observe the team and not inject themselves, then identify how well the team can perform on their own.

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